Corporal Sharee Karlinsey Promoted to Rank of Captain
Published on January 23, 2024
Chief Behan is pleased to announce the promotion of Corporal Sharee Karlinsey to the rank of Captain.
Captain Karlinsey has been a law enforcement professional for 16 years, having served as a Lieutenant for Falls Church Police Department. In the position, she oversaw operations including patrol and criminal investigations. She is a certified polygraph examiner and former director and head instructor for the Falls Church Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) program.
She was also a part of a multijurisdictional International Crimes Against Children (ICAC) team and is trained in various criminal investigations courses which include child investigations, crime scene processing, search warrants, domestic violence, cell phone mapping, and human trafficking. Her education includes a bachelor’s degree in administration of justice.
Congratulations Captain Karlinsey on your achievement! We remain proud of the work being done and what the future holds for the WPD.